Using our extensive HR and Safety experience and expertise, we help organizations meet or exceed HR and Safety compliance requirements.
We thrive because of our broad knowledge, expert guidance, project implementation and oversight, and the great team behind the services.
We have put together a foundation where we adjust our programs to the customer’s needs and obligations to state and federal laws and provide additional services to build upon their competitive advantage within their market space.

Mission Statement
It is the mission of HR & Safety Upgrade to develop, implement and support programs and processes that add value to our clients and their employees, leading to improved employee welfare, empowerment, growth, and retention, while providing company decision-makers with high-quality, practical and useable Human Resources and Safety solutions to manage and energize their workforce to accomplish the company’s business goals.
This is done by first understanding the nature of the company’s business; secondly, understanding the particular business need; and finally, working with the decision makers to craft a solution to the issues they face.
Core Values Introduction:
Customer service
As an HR and safety consulting business, our success depends on our ability to serve our clients effectively. Prioritizing customer service means putting the needs of our clients first and working to ensure their satisfaction with every interaction.
Effective communication is crucial in any business, but it’s especially important in HR and safety consulting. Clear and timely communication help us prevent misunderstandings, identify potential problems, and find solutions to challenges.

Our clients need to trust that our advice and recommendations are based on ethical and professional principles. Prioritizing integrity means holding ourselves and our teams to the highest standards of honesty, transparency, and ethical behavior.
Building trust with our clients is essential to our business’s success. Prioritizing trust means demonstrating reliability, consistency, and a commitment to delivering high-quality services.
Ultimately, our clients are looking for results that improve their HR and safety practices. Prioritizing results means setting clear objectives, tracking progress, and delivering measurable outcomes that exceed our clients’ expectations.